Waste Removal in Connecticut: What Materials Can Go in a Dumpster

Businesses should never handle their waste materials in a careless manner. Careless sorting can result in recyclable and hazardous materials being put in dumpsters, which is both irresponsible and dangerous. Businesses based in Connecticut should never fail to consult their trash removal companies about the materials that can be put into dumpster rentals and other…

Waste Removal in Connecticut: The Purpose of Landfills

Many people give little thought to waste removal in Connecticut once they are finished with an item.

John’s Refuse Delivers New Residential Toters

Delivery of New Residential Toters On January 15, 2013, NEW residential toters were delivered to ALL residents in North Branford and Northford. For any residents that have any unwanted trash containers, please leave the old containers at the end of your driveway face down, empty, and John’s Refuse will pick them up for you beginning…

Waste Removal in Connecticut: 12 Reasons to Rent a Dumpster This Year

There are plenty of reasons for you to rent a dumpster for your home or business this year. As a top waste management company in CT, we’d like to help you clear out the things that you simply don’t want or need around anymore. We’ll start you out with a list of 12 great reasons…

5 Tips for Better Waste Management at Home

As reported by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, garbage created by Connecticut residents is approximately 5 pounds per day. This is why companies, and residential waste management in CT is of great concern to the state and the residents.

Waste Management: How to Make the Best of Your 96 Gallon Toter

Our waste management company in CT can help you make the most of your 96-gallon trash toter. Even though 96 gallons sounds like a huge container, it is really only about 3 times as big as a standard 30-gallon bin. A family of four or five people can easily fill (or overfill) this container every…

Waste Management best practices for commercial businesses

Your business creates waste; there is no way around it. That’s why our commercial waste management team has put together a list of the best practices for dealing with and preventing waste in the workplace. Following these four suggestions will help you save money while easily handling all of your waste disposal needs.

12 Common Construction Waste Recyclables in Connecticut

In the United States, almost one quarter of all waste materials are a direct result of construction or demolition projects. This number could be reduced significantly if materials were collected for reuse or recycling. Ushering in a new era of construction waste removal is an environmentally responsible way to both reduce on-site costs and conserve…

Waste Management: How to Safely Dispose of Paint

If you’ve decided to make a color change in your home or office and still have partial cans of the old color in storage, it’s time to get rid of them.

Residential Waste Management in CT: Common Hazardous Waste Products