What You Should Not Put in a Front Load Dumpster

front load dumpsterAre you a homeowner or business that has yard, food waste, construction waste and other waste that you need to get rid off, contact a local waste management comapny for pick up service or to rent a dumpster. Are you considering renting a dumpster? There are a number of different types available, sometimes it can be hard to know which dumpster is right for your needs. Front load dumpsters are smaller than other types of dumpsters, and frequently seen behind businesses. The “front load” part refers to how the dumpsters are picked up and dumped. There are different sizes depending on your needs.

Front Load Dumpster Sizes

There are many different sizes and styles of front load dumpsters. Whether for your business or for your home, you can choose from a 2-yard bin, 4-yard bin, 6-yard bin, or a 8-yard bin.

  • 2-yard bins are usually 80 inches wide, 40 inches deep, and 36 inches high.
  • 4-yard bins are about 80 inches wide, 54 inches deep, and 48 inches high.
  • 6-yard bins are approximately 80 inches wide, 66 inches deep, and 60 inches high.
  • 8-yard bins are typically 80 inches wide, 64 inches deep, and 80 inches high. 

What Not To Put into a Front Load Dumpster

Generally, there are certain trash items that should not be put into a dumpster. These items include:

  • Paints, oils, and other hazardous materials
  • Chemicals, pesticides, and other liquid hazards
  • Asbestos
  • Tires and batteries of any type
  • Propane tanks, fluorescent lights and ballasts
  • Medical waste
  • Televisions, microwaves, laptops, and monitors – typically any electronic items
  • Freon units (including air conditioners and refrigerators
  • Many companies prefer no large quantities of brush and limbs

Key Takeaways:

  • Dumpster rentals can come in as small or as big of a size as you need. Roll-off dumpsters are much bigger than front load dumpsters.
  • Hazards not appropriate for a roll-off dumpster are not appropriate for a front load dumpster.
  • Always get a slightly bigger size than you think you will need.

Need Help?

If recycling is something you are interested in but are having trouble getting started, contact us today! 

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