What is Liquid Waste and How Can it Be Removed

Waste Management Company in CT

At the risk of sounding obvious, liquid waste is all waste that exists as a liquid rather than either a gas or a solid. Since the term encompasses all waste in liquid form, it includes both waste produced as a liquid and waste that has been converted into a liquid for handling. Similarly, it includes both liquid waste that emerges from a single source such as industrial wastes being pumped out through pipes and liquid waste that has no single source such as run-off caused by rainfall. Other common examples of liquid waste include both human and animal excreta plus household wastewater coming from bathing, dishwashing, and a range of other domestic activities.

How Can Liquid Waste Be Removed


First, the business needs to set up a system for holding the liquid waste once it has been produced or converted into its liquid form. This ensures that the liquid waste is not simply dumped in the environment with bad consequences for both the local region and the business down the road due to legal liabilities. Depending on the business and the liquid waste that it produces, the waste is often stored in either barrels or tanks that can be picked up by waste management services.


Often, liquid wastes must be treated before their disposal. Treatment methods depend on the liquid waste in question since the term encompasses such a large variety of different wastes with their own unique properties. For example, organic wastes can be composted to produce fertilizer while non-hazardous liquid waste containing materials such as oil and metal often have their water content extracted.


Once again, the disposal method depends on the liquid waste in question. Some wastes are simply dumped in landfills once treated, while others are incinerated to prevent contamination. Similarly, there are also wastes that are converted into new products that can be put to further use.

Key Takeaways:

Liquid waste is waste that exists in a liquid rather than gas or solid form.

Businesses that produce liquid waste should set up measures to contain it, before either treating it onsite using their own facilities or sending it out to waste management services.

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If recycling is something you are interested in but are having trouble getting started, contact us today!


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