Ten Ways Your Employees Can Help Green Your Business

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Going green is growing in popularity among many of todays companies. Many businesses realize that reducing their carbon footprint not only helps the environment, but it helps the business as well.

A green business spends less money on average every year. Also, branding yourself as a green company helps with publicity and establishing a more positive company image. However, the only way a company goes green is with the cooperation of its employees. There are a few minor ways employees can make a company greener.

Below is a list of ten things your employees can do to help the process of “greening” your business.

Go Green!

  1. Employees can car pool to work. This cuts down on fuel consumption, and saves money.
  2. Encourage employees to take public transportation to and from work, at least a few times a week, if possible.
  3. Be sure to practice proper disposal of any paper-based goods. Used paper, plates, or other products should be recycled and not simply thrown into the pale.
  4. Ask office managers to only purchase Energy Star rated office equipment. Energy efficient equipment saves energy and money.
  5. Tell the head of maintenance to buy and use only energy efficient light bulbs for the entire company.
  6. Don’t buy bottled water for the office. Encourage all employees to bring their own mug or cup, or reusable water bottle, and fill it up with tap water from the break room or kitchen. If bottled water is consumed, be sure to have a recycling bucket set up in the office for proper disposal.
  7. Have a recycling area at the company. In this area, have separate bins for aluminum cans, glass jars or bottles, plastic bottles and containers, and cardboard boxes. All these items can be used again to reduce waste.
  8. During the winter months, lower the office thermostat a few degrees. Ask people to bring sweaters instead of turning up the heat.
  9. For employees with their own offices, ask them to turn off the lights, heat, or air conditioning when not in the in the office.
  10. Ask department managers to consider establishing a telecommuting program that allows employees to work from home one day a week. While this is not possible with all jobs, many computer-based jobs can be done from home.

It’s a Team Effort

For companies that care about their carbon footprint, you’ll need the help of your employees to achieve a “greener” company. Even minor changes make a difference when it comes to conserving natural resources and energies.

Use proper disposal and recycling techniques, conserve energy, and your company will be on the right track!

Need Help?

If going green is something you are interested in but are having trouble getting started, contact us today!

Things You Should Be Doing to Green Your Business - Free eBook

[Free eBook] Things You Should Be Doing to Green Your Business

In Johns’ new ebook, we provide you with the latest and most effective ways to make your business more environmentally friendly. These practices are free of cost and will actually save you money!

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