Sustainable Solutions You Can Use at Home

Companies can make a large impact on the environment by using environmentally sound practices, but individuals can also make a difference on a smaller scale. Creating waste and using too many resources are problems for the environment, but you can reduce the impact of both these by finding sustainable solutions to everyday environmental situations in…

[FREE eBook] Things You Should Be Doing to Green Your Business

In Johns’ new eBook, we provide you with the latest and most effective ways to make your business more environmentally friendly. These practices are free of cost and will actually save you money!

How Illegal Dumping Can Cost Your Company Big Time

With trash removal taking up an ever-increasing proportion of Connecticut business budgets, illegal dumping might seem like an attractive option. Do not be tempted to try it! Illegally dumping your waste will almost certainly come back to haunt you, and could lead to large fines, lawsuits, and a massive reputation that will hurt your business.

FREE Ebook: Things You Should Be Doing to Green Your Business

In Johns’ new eBook, we provide you with the latest and most effective ways to make your business more environmentally friendly. These practices are free of cost and will actually save you money!

FREE Ebook: Immediate Benefits of Being a Zero Waste Company

Have you considered changing your company into a Zero Waste Company, but haven’t thought in depth about what it could actually do for you and your company? Now’s the time to switch because of the immediate benefits it will do not only for you and your company, but especially the environment.

How Do I Know If My Waste is Hazardous?

If your company is having difficulty deciding what is and what isn’t hazardous waste, there are ways to determine this. Even homeowner’s with their own private environmental waste will need to know if what they are disposing of is hazardous or not. The RCRA, or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, determines first if it is…

Plastics: What is and isn’t Recyclable?

Plastics are cost-effective, convenient, lightweight and relatively unbreakable, and they are used to manufacture many common products these days, from disposable and reusable food containers to toys. However, all plastics are not equal, and there are health and environmental concerns related to the widespread use of them. Environmental problems include the facts that the majority…

What is Environmental Sustainability?

How Can My Business Practice Environmental Sustainability?

The green movement is a planet wide initiative to change the way we behave and make sure that our children are left with a better environment than we inherited from our parents.

How Your Business Can Save Money by Going Green

Going green isn’t only good for the environment, it can be good for your business’ bottom line. Trendy companies today are finding that they can add income to their company by sticking to the old adage, “Reduce, reuse, recycle.” Whether you’re running a restaurant or managing a factory, put green policies into effect throughout the…