Going Green: What You Should Do With Your Extra Recyclables

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There’s no reason to waste all of your household refuse. When you can even make a little extra cash by recycling your items. Remember the old saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” still rings true in our disposable society.

When cleaning out your house and throwing items away, try to see how much of those items you can recycle. Instead of simply tossing things in the garbage can and forgetting about them. That not only contributes to the waste of natural resources, but to landfill overflows and pollution of the environment.

Turn Your Waste into Cash

Anything that can be cleaned, reused or passed along to someone else means less consumption of raw materials and could provide you with some financial rewards. If it’s time to clean out your closets, the garage or backyard shed, consider setting aside a Saturday morning for a yard sale. Whatever doesn’t sell can be donated to charity or a non-profit thrift shop for a tax write-off.

Serviceable clothing that you or the children have outgrown or simply grown tired of can be sold at a local consignment shop. Even if the clothing isn’t suitable for resale, keep in mind that some charitable groups make money from selling rags. Old clothing goes to fiber reclamation mills where it is turned into recycled yarn, ready to be woven into something else. Other textiles are shredded and used in making mattresses, insulation, roofing felt or furniture padding.

Be thoughtful and creative when disposing of anything that could take up landfill space. Your local animal shelter, old bedding and blankets will be appreciated. Take the time to seek out recycling resources in your area and if there aren’t any, consider joining a community or environmental group to create a center.

Think Before You Toss It Out

Many places pay for metal beverage containers, but you can often get money for other metals, old cell phones and used printer ink cartridges, so look into that before chucking them in the can. In fact, start looking at your garbage in a whole new light — as a resource that can be turned into something else.

Many local refuse providers accept cardboard, paper, glass and cans for recycling, so make it your responsibility to know their policies and pick-up requirements. Don’t just depend on them to take care of your obligations to take care of conserving our natural resources.

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t just throw everything away. Determine what condition your materials are in and consider donating them.
  • Often times you can get money for recycling metal, old cell phones and printer ink catridges.
  • Don’t forget to check with your local waste management provider to see what material they accept.

Need Help?

Are you interested in learning more about recycling, contact us today!


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