How to Properly Disinfect Your Garbage Can

Cleaning Garbage Cans Given how often the inner surfaces of garbage cans come into contact with organic waste and other waste products, it should come as no surprise that they can quickly become utterly and thoroughly filthy. After all, no lining material is perfect and indestructible.

What is Zero Waste?

Zero waste provides a philosophy for the way communities think about refuse and recycling. Through a cycle that attempts to imitate nature’s circular method of destruction and replenishment, waste management in Connecticut aims to reduce the amount of waste by finding ways to reuse as much material as possible from a product. This not only…

4 Surprising Items That Can Be Recycled in Connecticut

Most people know that you can recycle glass, paper and plastic. But, there are some other less common items that never actually make it to the recycling bin. Americans generate millions of tons of trash each year, so as the world’s population increases it has become more important than ever to recycle everything we can.…

Metal Recycling in the Workplace

All workplaces can become involved in metal recycling, whether they are a small business or a large multi-national company. Every single scrap of metal can be recycled, saving on refuse costs while reducing the environmental impact of a workplace. Depending on the type of metal and the current market conditions, metal recycling can actually be…

How to Safely Dispose of Hazardous Waste in Connecticut Workplaces

In your vocation, you may have to deal with hazardous waste in the workplace. It can be difficult to know which waste is considered hazardous and how you’re supposed to properly dispose of it.

Recycling for Beginners: How to Recycle in Connecticut

It can be difficult for beginners to determine how to best dispose of their garbage. Hazardous waste, metal recycling, and other materials are all disposed of differently. The following guidelines will detail how to recycle in Connecticut. For more tips, contact your local waste removal company.