Waste Management in Connecticut: Are You Throwing Away Money?
The amount of money Americans waste each year is staggering, but even worse is the fact that a huge portion of that money is basically being thrown straight in the trash along with all of the other waste and garbage we produce. In fact, by taking a few easy steps, Americans could save billions of…
How to Properly Dispose of Old Nail Polish and Cosmetics
If there’s one thing almost all of us have lying around the home, it’s old, half used cosmetics, lotions, nail polish, makeup and a variety of other beauty products. The problem arises when we try to dispose of the half used products. Many of us don’t know how or what to do with it all.
Sample – How To Post
INTRODUCTION: Your “how to” blog post should teach the reader how to do something by breaking it down into a series of steps. Begin your blog post by explaining what problem you are going to solve through your explanation and be sure to include any relevant keywords. Add in a personal story to establish your credibility…
Three Ways to Measure Your Environmental Impact at Work
Measuring our own environmental impact, also commonly referred to as environmental footprint, is one of the first steps towards limiting the damage and pollution we’re all responsible for. It’s incredibly important that we have some way to accurately quantify our effects because it is difficult to see the full of extent of our damaging behavior…
How to Properly Dispose of Old Nail Polish and Cosmetics
If there’s one thing almost all of us have lying around the home, it’s old, half used cosmetics, lotions, nail polish, makeup and a variety of other beauty products. The problem arises when we try to dispose of the half used products. Many of us don’t know how or what to do with it all.…
Three Ways to Measure Your Environmental Impact at Work
Measuring our own environmental impact, also commonly referred to as environmental footprint, is one of the first steps towards limiting the damage and pollution we’re all responsible for. It’s incredibly important that we have some way to accurately quantify our effects because it is difficult to see the full of extent of our damaging behavior…